Thursday, July 17, 2008

Cardboard Tube Fighting Invades DC

You read that title right, Cardboard Tube Fighting. The Seattle Cardboard Tube Fighting League is coming to Washington DC on Saturday July 26th at 3pm on the National Mall. For the price of nothing (yea its free) you may participate in the cardboard tube fighting tournament. The information is here on their website if you want to join in and they recommend cardboard armor and/or costumes...and business suits for some reason.

If i was fighting, i'd fight in a business suit with cardboard armor on top i think. Thats gotta be cooler than what these guys are using. Although I do like the cardboard shield. That seems like it'd be cheating though.

This is a new low for made up sports and events...but it is brilliant in it's stupidity...if that makes sense. How do you not go to this and have fun? I'd love to whack the shit out of someone with a tube of cardboard and not get arrested for it.

From Tubeduel via Washington City Paper


Anonymous said...

Fuckin DC...

Anonymous said...

We should all load up on super-soakers and eggs and show these nerds what fun really is.