Monday, August 27, 2007

Afghans Don't Appreciate Blasphemous Teabag

You try to do something nice and it gets thrown back in your face. You haven't tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is never try.

People filled the streets in southeastern Afghanistan to protest against the US. What's new you ask. This time, the US insulted Islam. At this point, I don't know what isn't an insult to Islam. Maybe I'll have NOIS enlighten me over some bean pies.

The US decided to do something nice for Afghan kids so they dropped soccer balls from a helicopter over the Khost province. Problem was the balls had the name of Allah on them. Specifically they showed the Saudi Arabian flag which features the shahada or Koranic declaration of faith. The shahada includes the name of Allah.

This seems pretty basic. As an Afghan MP put it, "To have a verse of the Koran on something you kick with your foot would be an insult in any Muslim country around the world." It's almost like we're trying to create enemies. Wait until the next airdrop includes g-strings and banana hammocks with the same design.

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