Thursday, July 26, 2007

Sex With A Gator Drink??

As us bloggers are apt to do, I just went through the keyword analysis of the searches that brought people to my page. I know the Deuce has some weird stories, so this made for an interesting excursion through our readers' minds. Here's some of the more interesting ones I found:

"there's some hoes in this house"
"the deuce 2 dog sporting box"
"england manager fired for pooping in a cup"
"favourite didn't know"
"gangster snooker"

And of course, my favorite: "Sex with a Gator drink". What the fuck does this even mean? Its awesome, it should be the name of a Deuce spinoff blog. I need to make a t-shirt of this I think. This is now the reply I will give someone when I do not know the answer to any question. Question: "What is the theory of relativity?" Answer: "Sex with a Gator drink." I must find the reason for this phrase, it might be the greatest blog post ever.

Update! I found it, its from the Drinks That Should Be Named After Athletes post. was a drink called Sex With A Gator. I see now...nevertheless...its still pretty fantastic. My new favorite has to be "there's some hoes up in this house" now. Just classic.