Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Return Of Shaq-Fu

Shaq-Fu's back and the same as before. What's next? The return of the Fu-Schnickens?

Shaq's getting his ultimate fighting on like Donkey Kong. When asked how he was staying in shape, Shaq replied,
"I've been doing a lot of fighting, a lot of swimming, a lot of hunting and a lot of school work and a lot of reading."

"Every day. You have headgear and so on, it is basically like boxing with wrestling rules. I'm a fan of the sport. I started doing it and then some guys challenged me."
We imagine he's been reading his prenup. Shaq's divorce has to make him mad and a more lethal fighter. Hopefully Chuck Lidell isn't thinking about challenging him. He couldn't beat Gerry Cooney at this point.

An NBA Fight Club would be the shit. Hopefully Shaq will start challenging opponents to matches in the octagon like Apollo and Rocky at the end of Rocky III. We can see it now. Grudge matches left and right.

Stephen Jackson vs. Everybody

Etan Thomas vs. Brendan Haywood

Kobe vs. Shaq

Isiah vs. Anucha

The possibilities are endless.

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