Thursday, August 9, 2007

ESPN Iz In Ur Komputr, Takin Ova Ur Gamez

This may or may not actually be ESPN owned, but there is a website out there called ESPN Bar Sports, run by 15 Letters Inc. I cannot find a link of this on ESPN's actual site, but here, you can, from the comfort of your own home, play Air Hockey, Bar Curling and Coin Toss all from what appears to be a reasonable facsimile of your local ESPNZone. Here's a screengrab in 3 parts of the main room, where you click on the sign for the game to play and my review below:

I played the coin toss and the bar curling, the curling is fantastic, held my attention for quite a bit. Strange that ESPN would actually make something kinda fun, and offer it for free...but even more strange is that the people of ESPN do not have this on their webpage at all...anywhere, and yet it supposedly won a 2007 webby award? I choose not to dwell on these questions and just play though. If only they had the pop & shot basketball and the football throw game...then we'd be set.

Link for ESPN Bar Sports here

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