Showing posts with label New Sport. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Sport. Show all posts

Thursday, September 24, 2009

New Sport: Mountain Unicycling

This guy goes by the name of the Unigeezer and he is a 50+ year old mountain/off road unicycler. He does things on one wheel that most people wouldnt try to do with two. Dont get him confused with the Uniballer or the Unibomber though...they are totally different people. Well, we know for certain about the Unibomber thing, the Uniballer thing i guess is up in the air. Those seats cant be good for the jewels.

Monday, July 6, 2009

New Old Sport: Bicycle Polo

Polo itself is a pretty fun game...if you have a ton of money and a freaking animal to ride on. If you dont, well it pretty much sucks. Luckily, people have changed that with advent of Bicycle Polo. Here's the rules: You know that game polo? Well, its played on bikes now. THERE! Done! If you're in Washington DC, where I am, you should check out the DC Bike Polo site for info on games, in NYC check it out here and if you're elsewhere...we'll do a google search and find it for yourselves. All of us writers for the Deuce live in those cities.

Want to see a more fleshed out explaination of this? Watch on, the New York Times did a story on it a year ago. Yea, a year ago. That is how "hip" and "with it" we are with the kids these days.

Polo photo taken from Kev_Walsh's flickr.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wow, And Here I Am Walkin On My Floors Like A Sucker

This guy prefers to rock climb in his house. No, he doesn't have any machines or a climbing wall, he's just climbing the walls inside his house...oh and ceilings too. He refers to it as "home bouldering". Seems like that is missing something. Oh right. It should be X-TREME Home Bouldering. Yes. Much better.

Monday, February 9, 2009

New Sport: Poker, Pool and Pain?

What do you get when you pit two competitors against each other in a game of pool, then take those same two people and have them play poker, then have those two kick each other's asses in a mixed martial arts fight? Apparently it might be a reality tv show. Well, at least the creator/contestent Blair Thein thinks it will be.
“The Interest in the uniqueness and excitement that surrounds this project, along with recent developments lead me to believe that 2009 is the year that “Pool, Poker and Pain” will Shine!”

Well...I guess putting them all together is unique. I guess? I mean, having a reality show about Ice Dancing, Football and Competitive Eating is pretty unique as well. I dunno, I am either missing the joke or I am the only one getting it, I'm not sure. I saw the video below and thought it was a pretty funny mockumentary, sort of like Spinal Tap or A Mighty Wind or something. Watch the video and see for yourself.

From Inside Pool Magazine and Pool, Poker Pain

Friday, December 5, 2008

Monday, July 14, 2008

New Sport: "Naked Rock Climbing"

Well, I guess you will save a lot of cash by taking up this version of the already extreme sport of rock climbing. Nude rock climbing is supposedly the latest craze here in the states, but I'll be damned if I've heard about it before reading this article (might be NSFW since there are some arty nude shots) from the Daily Mail.

People who do this sort of climbing swear that it is the "true essence of the climbing spirit," whatever that means. One climber, Dean Feldman, was so inspired that he took this photo and a whole bunch of others and made a calendar called "Stone Nudes" (also might be NSFW for some arty nude shots) which you can pick up on his site there, showing that this new extreme sport is already primed for capitalism to exploit it to its fullest. I mean, who doesn't love naked women on rocks right? I know I just bought two, one for the wall and the other for...personal use. Yea, that's right.

Sure you can save a lot of cash on climbing equipment but has got to be offset in a big way with the medical bills. I mean no ropes or hooks or knee pads or anything to prevent the bumps and bruises and um...FALLING DOWN to the ground to your death? Yea, sounds like an awesome way to spend the afternoon.

From Daily Mail UK

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The New Old Hotness? Pushball!

Now that roller derby and kickball and bocce ball (yes bocce ball, that might have to be another post) have turned into this generation's new urban hipster type games, some more hip than others...*cough**ahem*kickball sucks*cough*, is it time to revive some more old hotness? I say yes, and thus, let us usher in the new age of Pushball! What is it? Check it out below.

Sure you say it looks fun. Bunch of guys on a field, big giant ball, how can that not be fun? So how do you play? Well its pretty easy, at least so says this Wikipeida article on it:
Pushball is a game played by two sides on a field usually 140 yd (128 m) long and 50 yd (45.7 m) wide, with a ball 6 ft (1.83 m) in diameter and 50 lb (22.7 kg) in weight. The sides usually number eleven each, there being five forwards, two left-wings, two right-wings and two goal-keepers. The goals consist of two upright posts 18 ft (5.5 m) high and 20 ft (6.1 m) apart with a crossbar 7 ft. from the ground. The game lasts for two periods with an intermission. Pushing the ball under the bar counts 5 points; lifting or throwing it over the bar counts 8. A touchdown behind goal for safety counts 2 to the attacking side.

How bout that? I want me some of this action, lord knows this would be infinently cooler than kickball and bocce ball combined, but I think I might need some live action video just to get an idea what Modern Pushball is like. Oh...well look what we have here:

Yea this sport rocks. Someone needs to set up a Pushball League here in DC for me and in NYC for Mustafa. My pushball skillz need to be showcased!

Image from Shorpy

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Four Square Is Not Just For Kids Anymore

The World Championships of Four Square just occurred up in Maine a couple weeks ago in yet another childhood sport that has gone "adult". There actually is an organization that helps people set up their own community leagues and hosts the World Championships called If you happen to live in the Boston area, you can sign up for their own league right online.

I used to rock at four square on the asphalt playgrounds of my youth, but it looks like their rules have taken away the many different ways we cheated hit the ball. No atom bombs or super spin in this league. The dork level seems about on par with the kickball leagues that have sprung up all over, which isn't a bad thing if you're a dork and you're trying to get laid. Still intrigued? Watch the highlights of the 2008 World Championships below.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Yet Another New Sport: Combaton

In the ever evolving world of sport, I have never seen anything like this. This sport is called Combaton, derived from the use of combat and a baton, and it is pretty uniquely weird. From the website:
"The object of the game is for the offense to move the baton down field and score on their opponent’s goal pole. The defense must stop the offense and end the attack by kicking the baton carrier."

So if you're scoring at home, its kinda like cricket, lacrosse, football and martial arts exhibitions all wrapped up into one. Yea, that's about right. Speaking of scoring, the points system is this: 3 points for any standing kick, 4 points for any jumping kick up to 180 degrees and 5 points for any 360 degree spinning kick. The only way to stop the guy with a baton, and thus the advance to the goal, is to kick him off his feet or just so hard an official stops the action for a reset.

As if that wasn't nutty enough, if opposing teams possess the baton at the same time, they have a freaking "Fight Off" which means the two guys get taken to a circle to battle it out over who gets the right to hold the baton. Two men enter, 1 baton leaves!!!!

So yea, potentially brutal and awesome sport but from the looks of this video, kind of a sport for really intense martial arts type peoples that like to run around quite a bit while getting their kicks off. I want to see some brutality in these videos! Watch the promo for yourself


Monday, January 14, 2008

Road Bowling: The New Old Sport

Just grab a couple balls and go. The Irish are not to be outdone with stupid sports, they have one of their own, Irish Road Bowling. This is a game played with a couple 28oz cannonballs and a road, not even a straight road, just a road. The object is to throw the ball from the predetermined start of the course to the end of the predetermined end of the course in the fewest number of throws. Basically, you go from the start of the road to the end of the road with as little throws as possible.

Its sorta like golf, more like Frisbee golf, only unlike those Scottish and English wankers, they use a cannonball and asphalt because, well, the Irish are hard-core like that. I was told about it this past weekend at my favorite drinking establishment here in DC and it was news to me that this existed. Personally I find it fantastic, but if you want to see its awesomeness in video form, check out this roadbowler displaying how to properly bowl the ball. The man is a force.

You can play Irish Road Bowling here in the states but you might want to find a road where you wont get hit by a car. A couple groups have organized themselves in West Virginia and New York if you really want to get your organized activity Jones going. Get your balls ready, its time to play.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

New Sport: Free Boarding

Snowboards on wheels, going down urban "mountains" other words, skateboarding down big hills. Pretentious "indie" free boarders think this is the next wave of skateboarding. Watch and yell at the monitor like I did at these d-bags.

From Brightcove

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

New Sport: Quidditch

Quidditch is a game inspired by the Harry Potter books, which the Deuce has not read nor seen the films based off of, but is now being played by a few liberal arts schools (ie: stoners) here in the states. The Deuce is not even going to attempt describe this athletic event, Science Blog does a very good description of it in it's blog, but watch here as a Vassar college student attempts to explain this game in preparation for its "World Cup" against Middlebury college. Dear God, what have we become as a society...