Thursday, June 12, 2008

Quit Breaking Milton Bradley's Heart

He may be named after games but love ain't one to Milton Bradley. Can't the Kansas City Royals see what they're doing to him? They're breaking his heart and making him feel like half the man he used to be. He loves himself so much that it just tears him up inside seeing himself get treated this way.

Bradley went postal again after being criticized by Royals announcer Ryan Lefebvre. He charged out of the Rangers clubhouse and up four flights of stairs looking for Lefebvre after hearing himself being called out on the clubhouse television. He got within 20 feet of the Royals announcer before being led back downstairs.

The Rangers outfielder started ranting and crying once he was back in the clubhouse and had to be comforted by teammates.
"I'm tired of people bringing me down," Bradley said. "It wears on you. I love you guys, all you guys. I'm strong, but I'm not that strong. All I want to do is play baseball and make a better life for my kid than I had."
Lefebvre wasn't sure why Bradley was so pissed off.
"It was a conversation about how Josh Hamilton has turned his life around and has been accountable for his mistakes," Lefebvre told The Associated Press. "Right now, it seems like the baseball world and fans are rooting for him. ... It doesn't seem like Milton Bradley has done the same thing in his life."

"We weren't tearing up Milton Bradley. I told (Washington and Daniels) this wasn't a Milton Bradley rip session, but just based on the pictures we've seen in this series of him walking to the dugout all the way to right field, dropping his bat, making gestures to the fans in right field and above the dugout and taunting them. He's the only person in baseball I know that does that type of stuff."
It sure quacks like a Milton Bradley rip session. Lefebvre claimed it was more about praising Hamilton than bringing down Bradley. Of course he couldn't compliment Hamilton without throwing Bradley under the bus.

The only person in baseball who does that kind of stuff? Meet the Washington Nationals. Elijah and Lastings would take exception to that comment.

Can't you see Milton has feelings, girl? He feels pain too. You think he throws water bottles at crowds, fights with managers and injures himself going after umpires for the fun of it? He does it for the kids.

Lefebvre shouldn't have tried to weasel out of his statements. Leave that weak shit to Chicago's favorite douchebag. However his comments certainly don't justify Bradley losing it (again) and going after him.

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