Do you, Husna, take Aazad, in richness and in poorness, poorness is underlined, in impotence and in potence, in quiet solitude or blasting across the alkali flats in a camel-powered, robot-navigated...and it goes on like this...
Yes camel racing has entered the 21st century.
100% Injury Rate has found that the sport that once used kids of 4 or 5 years of age to jockey camels to the finish line has replaced them with...robots. Thats right, robots. See?

Not pretty is it? I encourage you to click on their page for Youtubes and the full story on this madness. I'm just a bit jealous we didn't find this bit of obscurity ourselves. The Deuce has been slacking in the odd-sports department lately. Our shame is real. Kudos Injury Rate, job well done.
Link to 100% Injury Rate1st paragraphed paraphrased from the Simpsons...extra points if you knew that
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