these have no flavor at all

known to cause kidney failure

loses consistency in seconds

might cause irritability and feelings of unstableness

all flash no substance

you will suck if you eat this

might have used Chinese wheat gluten as filler ingredient to make it seem mo' better than it really was

good, but not as good as people thought

expensive. but didn't deliver any satisfaction

may cause weight gain*

so try these and watch his new
tv show*
*These Shaq snacks aren't cereal but crackers, i just liked the boxes. Everything else, actual cereal you can buy...somewhere.
if i could find an emoticon to display my joy, i would use it here
Do the Hokie Toasties come with a free Michael Vick dogfighting starter kit?
hahaha, hilarious anonymous. Maybe they should come with a free Marcus Vick...if anyone will take him.
What about Flutie Flakes?
If you know about Flutie Flakes then they do not belong on a list of cereals that "you did not know existed"!
Took the words right outta my mouth Doug! We all know Flutie Flakes!
Some pretty good sites with all Sports foods.
Ivan, that link is strong. Thanks
if you haven't seen it, this page has a whole bunch of pro athlete food products, for instance, i was unaware that there is a line of ed mccaffrey mustards.
you forgot MarinO's
This site has all the WASHED OUT stars and their products.
Chrebet Crunch - gotta love it
Hmmm, "Nolan Ryan Steak Sauce Cap" is on clearance. Color me surprised.
They jumped the gun with those Tommy Gun Flakes huh?
i definitely have some moss' magic crunch in my basement. seriously.
Hokie Toasties are perfect for the munchies
Hull-O's (from Brett Hull's time with the Dallas Stars.) Still have a box.
the cereal is in your basement or some sort of hallucenagenic crunchy moss growing in the corner?
Don't forget about Buckeye Heroes. According to his bio on the back, Anthony Schleigel enjoys killing wild hogs with a steak knife. True story.
I remember seeing that Randy Moss cereal in Huntington, WV (where Marshall is located) in early 2000. Unfortunately I didn't buy any at the store when I saw them, and by the next time I returned, they were gone.
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