Thursday, September 20, 2007

Bill Belichick 's Got Ruthless Aura

Rose Rosetree proclaims to be able to read people's aura just by looking at a picture of them. Recently, she took a look at maligned New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick during his "apology" he made for video-taping the Jets sidelines. Here's what she has to say:
Verbal integrity (at the throat chakra): Speaking, Belicheck scores 10 out of 10 for integrity. He’s clearly a warmhearted guy, larger than life, very enthusiastic and an expressive individual who can’t help letting his passions show.

Power integrity (at the solar plexus chakra): Well, here’s where the coach scores a 7 out of 10. What really stands out is the man’s craftiness. In contrast to his personality, where he seems hale and hearty, intellectually how the man can scheme! His thinking is highly analytical. Besides being an absolutely cunning problem solver, there’s a ruthlessness that must serve him well in his sport. Normally, he would be very careful not to cross the line into anything outright wrong, but watch him put his toe right up to that line.

Spiritual integrity (at the third eye chakra): No, this isn’t just about church attendance. Spiritual integrity is a really important component to read in a person. George W. Bush, for instance, has his very worst integrity score in this department, which is saying something (and I DID, long before he first began to occupy the White House). How does Belicheck connect to his personal source of inspiration? Give him another 10 out of 10. Think all the best qualities of big, bouncy puppy. The man doesn’t have a hypocritical bone in his body. No wonder he had the grace to mouth more than the current cliché “I accept responsibility” and use the big A word, “apologize.”

She claims to not know anything about football, nor who Belichick really is other than the Patriots head coach who made a statement that she read and is a bit of controversy, so take that for what its worth. I do like that she calls him a big bouncy puppy. I mean, that really is the first thing I think of when I see him on the sidelines looking like someone just took a dump on his hot new wife.

The telling part is that in the "Power Integrity" section she says he is an "absolutely cunning problem solver, there’s a ruthlessness that must serve him well" and "he would be very careful not to cross the line into anything outright wrong, but watch him put his toe right up to that line". Maybe this aura thing is worth looking into.

If you're interested in more, check out her site, she does OJ Simpson as well.

From Rose Rosetree
Image not of Rose

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seems legit to me.
