Thursday, March 15, 2007

Bienvenu à Chez Valtrex

Salut, my name is Marcuse and I will be your waiter for the evening. I will tell you of our special today. It is the Cop au Herpes with a side of Le Stank Vert prepared by our chef Ronald Mexico.

Oooh. Sounds delish! What's your vin du jour?

Wine of the day.

Mmmm that sounds good. I'll have that.

And I'll have the '87 Orange Jubilee.

The Deuce is sure that Michael Vick's new restaurant The Tasting Room will receive rave reviews and three Michelin stars in no time. We can't wait until he starts his own reality show similar to Gordon Ramsay's F Word. Michael Vick's H Word. Instead of cooking for a full restaurant, he tries to see how many cases of herpes and hepatitis he can spread in 44 minutes through sex with minors and contaminated glassware.

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