Man, what a day for druggies huh? Shall we do a quick round-up?
Travis Henry reportedly has tested positive for marijuana. Seriously, is this a surprise? Sure he's the leading rusher in the league right now, but he has been traveling the Ricky Williams path to smokin' your way out of the league for awhile. It was only a matter of time that Mike Shanahan found a way to kick him aside for Selvin Young anyway (with his gaudy 9.2 ypc average) he has a reason.
Marion Jones admits to using steroids in letter to friends and family. She says she used the drug while she prepared for the 2000 Summer Games in Sydney and is now going to plead guilty New York to two counts of lying to federal agents about using the "cream" and the "clear". This is about the definition of anticlimax really, we all figured she did it, the evidence was kinda stacked against her. At least its out now and her medals will probably be stripped. Sucks to be a cheating drug user, huh?
Tim Couch suspended for drug use and he isn't even in the league! Ok...this came out Wednesday, but we didn't post about it. Look what drugs can do to you kids! DON'T BE TIM COUCH! DON'T DO DRUGS! Wait...drugs can give you millions of dollars and a smoking hot wife. DO DRUGS! DO THEM!!!!
Cubs lost again and are now down 2-0! Everyone in Chi-town was drinkin the magic kool-aide, thinking maybe, just maybe THIS COULD BE THE YEAR! I mean the Bosox did it, the Chisox did it, surely they could do it. Nope, that is wearing off. Your team sucks and always has. Instead of moping around, how about you do some drugs like the above people? I mean, it made them happy for awhile at least.
5) Just to make this list an even five (which doesn't exist but 5 is a good list ending point)...
Lorena Ochoa is trying to become the first golfer in LPGA Tour history to surpass the $3 million mark in earnings in a single season. Ochoa is #1 on the LPGA money list with $2,966,454 and she is currently playing at the $1.1 million Longs Drugs Challenge. Drugs see? Get the connection?
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